Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Woof! One Writer Says I Need A Dog Pal

Well, I just don't know. Mark Patinkin at the Providence Journal says I need another dog as a pal. He says that I'm a pure bred and I need a friend who isn't.  

He suggests that we adopt JJ The Pound Mutt. That's cool. But JJ doesn't seem, well, all that trained. He sleeps in bed on his owner's pillow and he climbs into the driver's seat of a car, and he's hard to move out of the driver's seat. 

Still, I'm happy to meet JJ, who seems to be a fine looking canine (see him in the left hand corner?).  We could run around on the White House lawn - as long as he stays away from the Victory Garden.  He could meet my friends, the turtle and the mouse, too. 

They're in my White House Dog Tales story for kids. You should check it out because I'm proud of it.